Friday, March 9, 2012

Gimpy Girl Problems

*Warning: The following post could be considered by some to be a little TMI. Be Brave :)

This past week I helped a friend of mine move from PA to Florida and we had a wonderfully adventurous time despite the long hours in the car and the lack of quality coffee. However, along the way I discovered a problem that I often have in not so public, public places... AKA a public women's bathroom. With a over 20 hour road trip, god knows we spent plenty of time in the communal pottys of several states and it has prompted me to write an open letter to the women of the world (one that, for me, has been a long time coming!).

Dear Women of the World,
I understand your desire and instinct to "squat it out" when using a public restroom. It is indeed quite gross to think about what others might have done in there before you. However, if you choose to refuse contact with with seat and are comfortable enough with your balance to squat it out, please wipe whatever you leave behind off the the seat before you leave. Some of us are forced to put down toilet paper for protection and sit where you were so kind of leave your golden shower. I know when in a place as gross as a public potty it's hard to keep other people in mind because it feels like survival of the fittest, but I promise that with some soap and maybe even purell, you too will be as good as new, even if you had to touch the seat.
Bridget, and I'm assuming gimpy girls everywhere.


  1. LOL Go Bridget! The other day I went into a restroom in an otherwise decent establishment and not only was there a "golden shower", but moisture everywhere (what's with soaking the whole sink area) and even liquid on the floor around the toilet! There is no reason a ladies' room should be grosser than a men's room!!!

  2. I can definitely relate to this, because I work in a local Waffle House. This has been a problem in our ladie's bathroom, too, and it totally infuriates me, since I'm one of those that cannot squat, I HAVE to sit. My legs will no longer support a squat. When we are busy, and I'm in a hurry, I don't always think to look at the toilet seat, sigh. I don't think I need to say any more, eh? But really, if you think you're too good to sit on our toilet seat, then either wait until you get home, or, as mentioned in the blog above, PLEASE wipe up your mess!! Thanks for letting me vent about this!
